Family Link

"Family Link" feature in Funeral Buddy

We will explain one of the Funeral Buddy features called "Family Link", which allows family members to answer interview questions in the comfort of their own homes.

"Family Link" allows family members of the deceased to log in online from their homes or anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. Funeral Buddy will then guide them through interview questions and ask them to provide relevant information about the deceased, such as personal details, parents, children, marriages, etc. Family members can also provide relevant details about the ceremony and even design their slideshows!

Family members can go through the steps of the interview one by one, or they can jump directly to a particular step. The order of steps is customisable - a funeral director can customise the entire interview process to ensure that it matches the pattern used in his/her funeral home. The information provided by family members is stored safely and securely in the Funeral Buddy's database.

The "Family Link" feature is a real time saver as it relieves funeral directors or staff members from the burden of conducting the interview themselves.

Please make sure that you watch the following video that explains the "Family Link" feature in more detail.

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